in the beginning
by Nat J

in the beginning                they have fed me...
I prevailed...                  but before I could
all their attempts              begin to digest it
to drive my mind into           and benefit from
the never-ending                its nutritional value,
pits of insanity                they yanked their
and despair                     tainted nectar
failed miserably...             from my throat
I swallowed,                    filling me with a
even digested,                  longing such as I've
the atrocities                  never known
they dished out                 for that which
like it was                     was, now, essential
nothing more                    to my existence...
than a hot dog                  I had trained myself
for lunch...                    to stomach
but                             all of their evils
somewhere                       yet never suspected
down the road                   the malicious
they got smart                  backfire
and decided                     I had set myself
to stuff my cheeks              up for...
with a double helping           now, too weak
of the sweet Love               from starvation
I had been                      to mount
deprived of                     a purposeful comeback,
since birth...                  I drown in
I should have                   my own vomitus...
refused,                        mouthing my
but I gladly                    reluctant submission
accepted it,                    finally giving
like all the other              them
poisons                         their due...
Copyrighted by Nat J © 1996
All rights reserved