the Depression
by Nat J

I quietly weep              regained mass
my dry tears...             in my unseeing eyes...
the fluids in               I clamp down
my body                     my lids,
no longer able              forcing myself
to support                  to ignore
my leaking orbs...          the descent of
scorching sands             my tears...
sting my flesh              though my mind
as the time                 wanders aimlessly
lazily shuffles             through the horribly negative
along                       aspects of my existence,
teasing me                  a single thought
and my view                 sticks to my concentration
that life                   like some bloodthirsty
is just one                 tick,
long, depressing            clinging to a meal...
Chore                       even if my life's
that I'd rather             termination is
not have been               achieved by my own
assigned...                 wretched hands,
I gaze skyward              what punishment
not to admire               inflicted beyond
that careless fireball,     the grave
which secretly delights     could compare
in frying my retina,        with the Personal Hell
but to blink away           my tortured soul
the fresh salt-water        has painstakingly
collections                 learned
that have slowly            to love... and to hate...

Copyrighted by Nat J © 1996
All rights reserved