journey Beyond
by Nat J

To see me walking			Car horns and
you'd never know			"Don't walk" signs only
that I was only			ground me momentarily...
earthbound for the		My next step
first ten minutes			propelling me
of my journey,			back into the
moving into my			surreal world
own world at			that holds a
increasingly breakneck		far stronger grip
speed...				on my mind
A dull ache				than reality...
envelops my calves		Soon, the pains
as I accelerate slightly,	in my calves
getting accustomed		make themselves
to the rhythm			first priority
of my stride...			by hinting that
I press on				the limbs I had
even as the buildings		mistaken for
begin to whir past		everlasting pistons
my gliding body...		were on the verge
The people become			of ripping themselves
dangerous moving			in half...
obstacles that			I finally stop to rest,
threaten to				watching the sweat
break my pace and			caress the exhausted
destroy my rhythm...		calves I had overworked
I dodge the idiots,		so strenuously...
forcing my leg muscles		but this earthbound
to push me farther		admiration is only
and farther away			momentary-
from the western			Spotting my eastward
nowhere...				course,
Dull aches quickly		I resume my journey
become sharp pains		once again
warning me				blocking out the pain,
not to push myself		not caring about the
so far,				physical consequences of
but I ignore them,		catapulting across
becoming more engrossed		the universe
in my world of			on leg muscles
human obstacles			strengthened by
and flying buildings...		sheer will...
Copyrighted by Nat J © 1996
All rights reserved