Alien Lover
by Nat J

He always comes				Could we ever have children?
in the night...				Would His species reject me
not because He				like mine would reject Him?
is some nocturnal demon			I don't know...
but because					but I do know that
I'm always alone				our love is made of
at night...					some potent stuff...
He doesn't have				the absence of sex
to wake me					wouldn't curb my
since I have				feelings for Him one bit...
begun to wait for Him			Now, I believe that the
I melt under				culmination of my life
His soft-scaled hands			amounts to achieving a
every night that				oneness with His soul
He comes to seduce me...		and- and wait...
There is nothing				something is wrong...
so heavenly as				his... his ship has crashed
His alien caress...			I can feel it
I quit my job				he is dead... He is dead...
so I could sleep				He is Dead...
during the day				no...
and spend the				but before I begin
dark hours with Him...			to breakdown
I marvel at His				His soul appears before me
long, sabertoothed jaws			beckoning me to join Him, now
and strangely retractable claws	to live in His Paradise...
as He wonders about			And now I lay me down to sleep
my soft, yielding flesh			knowing that my freed soul
and my relatively flat face...	can now revel in the love
Are we anatomically compatible	that my dying physical body
enough to make love?			will never awaken to...
Copyrighted by Nat J © 1996
All rights reserved